Free Indeed Ministries
Welcome to our website. We know that you are going to be blessed by what you discover here, and improve your quality of life. It has done the same for hundreds of others who have struggled with the same issues that you are now struggling with.
Since we have been in the ministry to help those who struggle with relational and/or sexual brokenness, we have learned a tremendous amount about addiction and how to treat it according to God’s inerrant , true, living Word. This journey has taken us to implement numerous changes that have not only improved the effectiveness of how we treat sexual addiction, but caused the lives of hundreds of families to change their own personal relationship with their creator and ultimately their interpersonal relationships. This is so exciting to see happen!
So, if you or someone whom you love is struggling with any of the numerous variations of sexual brokenness you have come to the right place.
Due to the length of time we have been ministering to set the captives free we, through the changes we have facilitated with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, have developed the very best programs that are available anywhere in this universe! I am not bragging on our ability to come up with the best programs but I am bragging on our Creator’s unequaled ability to want and develop the very best for all His children who struggle in this area of their lives. Praise His Holy name for His unequaled grace, mercy, and unconditional love!
So, if you will just browse through our offerings you will certainly see what I am talking about.
Don’t forget to go to the testimony section to listen to the wonderful testimonies by those who have completed our programs and have gotten totally free from their struggles. They now have a Godly and fulfilling life. They also have a good marriage and great family life.
After going through our site, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us for further information and I know that you will want to enroll in the appropriate program for you immediately!
Ministering for Him,
Ted Robinson, Executive Director Free Indeed