Freedom Fighter Program
We are here to give you a helping hand through our Freedom Fighter’s Program which is an intensive 20 week discipleship series for those who are seeking freedom from the grips of habitual sexual sin.
Some of the issues men are facing who take part in “Freedom Fighters” include: pornography, sexual addiction, impure thought lives, same sex attraction, homosexuality, and more.
This At-Home Program is designed with your busy life in mind. Due to their work schedules or the locations of their homes, many men are not able to attend a support group format.
Are you involved with pornography?
Are you struggling with an impure thought life?
Are you dealing with other areas of sexual sin like lust and masturbation?
Are your relationships suffering from out of control lust?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then our Freedom Fighter program is the right one for you!
We have a team of trained coaches that care about you and want to help. They have already been praying for the opportunity to help you.
The At-Home series equips men with the tools and support they need to experience freedom from sexual sin and then live a life of sexual integrity eternally.
We have discovered since we initiated this at-home program approach, that our success rate has risen substantially. This is primarily due to the fact that our highly trained coaches can identify specific needs of their individual participant and address it with them. In a group setting this is not possible. So, we are blessed to be able to offer this unique method of serving to help set captives of habitual sexual sin free!
Also, the participant or coach need not leave the comfort and privacy of their own home. A side benefit is that we can offer our services to anyone in the whole world who has an Internet connection or a telephone as we subscribe to a virtual conference room that can be used to administer our programs.
Please Click Here to fill out an online application so we can get started in helping you get that freedom that you and God want you to have.
Freedom Fighter At-Home Follow-On Program
Like in many endeavors, some can learn and apply concepts faster than others. Most who take our Freedom Fighter Program experience victory early in the program. In the time allotted, they gain total freedom from their habitual sin. Some however, don’t make this kind of progress. For that reason, we developed our Follow-On Program. Before we actually graduate them from the regular program, the struggling participant can spend an extended period of time under our coaches care in order to gain mastery of key ingredients so they can experience total victory. They then graduate. Follow On aftercare has proved to be very successful in the lives of those needing extended support.
In addition, we let our Freedom fighters all know that when they graduate and keep in place their new lifestyle of Godly living they are not likely to drift back into old behaviors that lead to falling again. Occasionally, we hear from one of our graduates that they have begun to slide back into old behaviors before they actually fall. When this happens, they have caught it in time to just spend a few weeks with their coach in the Follow-On program and then re-gain their freedom very quickly. This is the best scenario for recidivists to experience because they still have their new lifestyle in place and just need some fine tuning to get back on track immediately.
In essence, we are offering our graduates a life-time guarantee of their freedom as the cost for the Follow-On program is dramatically reduced.
We have flexible payment options to work with your budget. All program payments are non-refundable.
Please fill out an online application so we can get started in helping you Click Here
If you have any questions:
Phone:(888) 934-0333
For local calls: (207) 945-3424
For emailing questions contact: [email protected]