Ted Robinson
Ted Robinson’s life was radically converted to Christ in the early 90’s from a life of drug, alcohol and pornography addiction. His Pastor, noticing a call of God on his life, encouraged him to attend Bible school. He enrolled in Zion Bible Institute in Barrington Rhode Island in the fall of 1991 after being saved six months earlier. It was during his years at Zion, while battling through the wreckage left by years of addictive behavior from his past; Ted was impressed with a specific call to set captives free. Ted recalls the exact night it all began with these words,
“I had a job delivering pizza to put myself through school. For months I had been battling severe oppression. There was a torment in my mind that is hard to describe. It all seemed to come to a head one night. I was so sick of the tormenting thoughts, the lustful images, the whispers that I was hopelessly bound to lust and that I would always be captive to perversion. A holy courage and anger began to come over me. Out of sheer spite, I swerved my beat up Toyota Celica in a lonely turnout overlooking the city, jumped out and screamed to the heavens, “I will not only be free, but I will take thousands of men into freedom with me!” I shouted it again and again until warm tears ran down my face. Years later those memories flooded me as I applied for a staff position with Free Indeed. Little did I know, It was God who was at work that dark night many years ago to prompt me to declare my own deliverance against the giant of sex addiction, just as little David did before the giant Goliath. David told the giant, ‘this day the Lord will deliver you into my hands and I will strike you down and remove your head,’ I Samuel 17:46.”
But just as David spent many years in the wilderness waiting for the vision to come to pass, so did Ted.
After graduating Zion Bible Institute with honors in 1996 with a B.A. in Biblical studies, Ted went on to establish Captives Free Ministries whose focus was revival preaching and street evangelism. At every turn there was severe opposition, even from churches and pastors. “I thought everyone would jump on-board my heaven sent vision for the church and the lost,” Ted reminisces, “Not so. I was immature, head strong and did not work well with others or take correction well.” Feelings of betrayal gave way to disillusionment, depression and ultimately a return to old behaviors. “I completely backslid and betrayed everything I ever loved.”
It was at this time, Ted remembers, that lust took on a new and sinister power. “I delved deeper into the sex under-world than I ever imagined I could. The evil I was now capable of scared me. Magazines and DVD’s lost their appeal and I began frequenting strip clubs and hiring prostitutes. This opened the door for other addictions like nicotine, alcohol and marijuana to return. My life was spinning out of control and my marriage was disintegrating. I had completely given up on God because I thought He had thrown me away. Everybody knows God hates sex sinner’s right? Boy, was I wrong!”
By a process of discipline God began to turn Ted around, “I was a commercial fisherman and God got my attention when my boat sank and I lost everything. I was digging clams in the dead of winter just to put food on the table. I was so miserable I could not go on. I fell on my knees one afternoon with my lovely wife Anna at my side. I cried out to God for mercy. He wonderfully answered and I was soon enrolled in a Free Indeed Ministries program. They lead me out of my wilderness of sin with a firm hand of discipline and a tender touch of compassion.”
Ted’s connection with Free Indeed is deep and personal. It was God’s instrument to save his marriage, his family and his faith. Ted was mentored under former Executive Director Bill Irwin for five years, rising from program participant to serve as a Coach and then Head Coach. Ted was unanimously voted in as Executive Director on March 10, 2014 after the passing of Bill Irwin. Anna Robinson, Ted’s wife, went on to be the first women’s coach in the history of Free Indeed. The grace Anna ministers into the lives of wives devastated by their spouse’s sex sin is remarkable. It is has obviously been purchased in the furnace of affliction.
When Bill was drawing his last breaths from a two year battle with prostate cancer, he was asked, “What will happen to Free Indeed?” This was an important question because everyone knew how dear Free Indeed was to Bill. A bright smile stretched across his face as he passed into glory. His final words were spoken with a smile saying “Free Indeed is going to be just fine because It has been passed into the hands of a man who carries the vision of Luke 4: 18 with all of his heart.”
Ted, as Director of this ministry, personally provides speaking forums, seminars, Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening messages, men’s meetings and more. If you would like to arrange for a presentation in your church or find out more information on how we can support your church, please click on the contact us link or go to the speakers page.
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(888) 934-0333
(207) 945-3424 for local calls