Internet pornography, supercells of temptation

On August 21st 2003 an F5 tornado touched down 3 miles east of Kansas city. It’s black swirling mass stretched six miles across. Sirens could be heard screaming in every direction as people scurried to their shelters. Like a starved monster, it devoured everything in it’s path, homes, schools, buildings, cars, trucks, trees. Eyewitness accounts told of an eerie darkness, followed by what was described like the sound of a thunderous train coming right at them. Before fizzing out nowhere special in the expanse of the great plains, the viscous supercell would tally a death toll of 38 lives and cause 6 billion in property damage.

These scenarios play out all to often in a stretch of the great plains called tornado ally. It is here that all the necessary ingredients needed to form tornado’s are found in a weather system called supercells.

A supercell is an extremely unstable weather system that produces severe thunderstorms and features rotating winds sustained by a prolonged updraft that may result in torrential rain, hail or tornadoes. These systems are the least common due to the specific conditions necessary to spawn them. But when these conditions are present, they concoct a destructive power that is unparalleled on earth.

Now we are seeing a new phenomenon in the internet age, supercell’s of temptation and seduction spawning tornadoes of
pornography addiction. They also destroy everything in their path: fathers, wives, children, churches, pastors and communities. These black swirling monsters mindlessly devour with insatiable appetite. When the storm passes the toll is great and the recovery long and difficult.

One young Missouri mother was seen standing like a dumbfounded and shell shocked soldier in the rubble. Everything was gone, her husband, her children, her home. She could not even cry the trauma was so severe. This is the condition we find many who enter our wives program. Research had found the spouses of porn addicts suffer from PTSD and have the stress levels similar to that of combat soldiers returning from war.

These are the spiritual conditions that we now face in this country today due to the ravages of porn and sex addiction. Mind you, I am not specifically referring to conditions in the world, but in the Church.

We at Free Indeed are committed to help people break free from porn addiction. Our five month program has an 85% success rate. Shorter programs do not give the necessary depth of mentoring required to bring lasting freedom. Online courses lack the one on one power of discipleship we offer. We provide comprehensive help with programs for both husbands and wives. If you need help breaking the porn chain, please fill out an application today and get started on your journey to freedom. Ted Robinson, executive director Free Indeed