Vicious Cycles and Superficial Changes
Porn creates vicious cycles of hellish living in a Christians life. I can remember falling into porn on Friday or Saturday night, telling God how sorry i was and that it would never happen again and then go to Church like everything was fine. I thought because I was sorry and that I was trying that I was doing all that could be expected. How wrong I was and how warped my thinking had become! My “repentance” was so very superficial and fell far short of the Biblical pattern of restoration. I needed to come into the light completely and make thorough amends to all the people i had harmed. I needed help and support, to be in an intensive discipleship/accountability relationship and deal drastically with my sin and all the avenues sin was invading my life...
Young College Woman transformed through our new Create In Me a Pure Heart Program
Here is the dynamic testimony of a young college student who recently graduated from our Create in Me a Pure Heart program for women struggling with all forms of sexual sin. Listen to hear how her perspectives changed from wanting her boyfriend to get help, to her need for change. I want to start off by saying that Free Indeed is one of the best things that has happened to me and my relationship with God. I did the Create in Me a Pure Heart program and portions of the Wives program. My boyfriend had cheated on me three times. The first time he said it was just a mistake but by the second time he confessed he was struggling with sexual addiction. I was devastated, hurt, angry and confused, so many emotions combined, but I wanted him to receive help so he could get...