Our Present Crisis in Manhood
Some statistics say that porn use among evangelical men is as high as 74%. Some research places the number a little lower, others say it is even higher. No matter, the widespread use of porn in the Church is pointing to a much greater crisis: manhood. Where are the Men? There are so few real men in the Church today, we are in danger of losing sight of what true manhood is. The pattern of bringing believers to maturity in the Bible is through mentoring. We must have men of God modeling godly character and integrity. If manhood is in crisis then so also is Fatherhood. You see, when you make that choice to click on porn, all forward maturity stops. You and God go different directions at that point. You see every secret has a price. What will porn cost? More than...
The parasite of porn addiction
The deer tick is a dangerous parasite. It’s bite not only can infect the host with Lyme’s disease, but also co infections such as Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis. Each infection has different symptoms and attacks the host at the most opportune time. Just when you think your recovering and gaining strength another symptom from a co infection arises. Pornography addiction is a spiritual parasite whose bite is riddled with infections and co infections. Each work together to strike at just the right time to weaken and discourage the host. The infection of porn addiction comes with stabbing temptations, oppressive torment in the mind and crippling self negativity. The co-infections of porn addiction are marital strife, depression,nicotine, alcohol, over eating...