Posts by Trobinson

Our Present Crisis in Manhood

»Posted by on Jul 30, 2014 in Executive Director's Blog, Free Indeed | Comments Off on Our Present Crisis in Manhood

Some statistics say that porn use among evangelical men is as high as 74%. Some research places the number a little lower, others say it is even higher. No matter, the widespread use of porn in the Church is pointing to a much greater crisis: manhood. Where are the Men? There are so few real men in the Church today, we are in danger of losing sight of what true manhood is. The pattern of bringing believers to maturity in the Bible is through mentoring. We must have men of God modeling godly character and integrity. If manhood is in crisis then so also is Fatherhood. You see, when you make that choice to click on porn, all forward maturity stops. You and God go different directions at that point. You see every secret has a price. What will porn cost? More than...

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Internet pornography, supercells of temptation

»Posted by on Apr 11, 2014 in Executive Director's Blog | Comments Off on Internet pornography, supercells of temptation

On August 21st 2003 an F5 tornado touched down 3 miles east of Kansas city. It’s black swirling mass stretched six miles across. Sirens could be heard screaming in every direction as people scurried to their shelters. Like a starved monster, it devoured everything in it’s path, homes, schools, buildings, cars, trucks, trees. Eyewitness accounts told of an eerie darkness, followed by what was described like the sound of a thunderous train coming right at them. Before fizzing out nowhere special in the expanse of the great plains, the viscous supercell would tally a death toll of 38 lives and cause 6 billion in property damage. These scenarios play out all to often in a stretch of the great plains called tornado ally. It is here that all the necessary ingredients...

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