A Call to Prayer
The Depth of our Need The task before us is a complete impossibility if we omit the primacy of prayer. Think for a moment of what we are endeavoring to do: make proud men humble, vile men clean, selfish men loving, broken lives whole. Who is up to such a challenge? Shall we throw neat little doctrines at those hidden away in dungeons? Will we dangle a packaged and processed list of steps to those wallowing in the pit of depravity? Not at all that these do not have their place, but we must see the impotence of our good intentions if we would see true deliverance. God must do the work. The Holy Spirit must awaken a man to the infamy of his sin and need for change. God can and will do these things, if He is petitioned with earnest prayer. The Necessity of Prayer...
Recidivism, why so many are discouraged in the fight for purity.
Recidivism, the cycle that keeps us down “As a dog returns to it’s vomit so a man returns to his sin”, the old proverb says and what an apt description of the soul stuck in the muck of pornography addiction. Recidivism is perhaps the most discouraging factor for those struggling for freedom from lust. A specific circular pattern can be observed here: temptation, fantasy, ecstasy,reality, making of vows, increased effort, failure, temptation. Of course there are variations to this pattern, but it holds true generally speaking. The vicious cycles usually continue until every hope of freedom is crushed and total defeat has been accomplished, a sad commentary that is affecting many in our churches today. How can we turn this around? The necessity of...