The Depth of our Need
The task before us is a complete impossibility if we omit the primacy of prayer. Think for a moment of what we are endeavoring to do: make proud men humble, vile men clean, selfish men loving, broken lives whole. Who is up to such a challenge? Shall we throw neat little doctrines at those hidden away in dungeons? Will we dangle a packaged and processed list of steps to those wallowing in the pit of depravity? Not at all that these do not have their place, but we must see the impotence of our good intentions if we would see true deliverance. God must do the work. The Holy Spirit must awaken a man to the infamy of his sin and need for change. God can and will do these things, if He is petitioned with earnest prayer.
The Necessity of Prayer
E.M. Bounds lived a life devoted to prayer and wrote many books on the topic. His writings are timeless and are very much infused with the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Consider for a moment this quote from his book “Power Through Prayer”
“The praying which makes a prayerful ministry is not a little praying put in as we put flavor to give it a pleasant smack, but the praying must be in the body, and form the blood and bones. Prayer is no petty duty, put into a corner; no piecemeal performance made out of the fragments of time which have been snatched from business and other engagements of life; but it means that the best of our time, the heart of our time and strength must be given.”
― E.M. Bounds, Power Through Prayer
Prayer is not a sideline work of a ministry, it is the main work of a ministry. Victories hinge on the long range bombers of prayer warriors on their knees. Deliverance’s are determined on weather we have prayed through. Indeed, does today’s generation even know the term “praying through”? In the recent movie “War Room” we see a timely call to the lost art of prevailing prayer. Personally, I credit my deliverance and restoration to the fact that I am married to woman who knows how to call on God and pray through.
A Call to Prayer
As our culture spins out of control with an increased depravity, we need not lose heart. Let us meet these challenges with what the Bible calls “mighty weapons”, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. By joining together in prayer we can see families delivered from the grip of sexual addiction and lives fully restored. Here is a practical way to join the fight. Our ministry Scripture is John 8:36, “He who the Son sets free is free Indeed.” Would you join us on bended knee at 8:36 AM and PM for a few minutes of earnest intercession? A convenient way to remember is to set alarms on your phone. Pray that those involved in sexual sin would fall under the conviction of the holy spirit and find help. Pray that revival would touch our churches with deep repentance. Pray that ministries like Free Indeed would stay strong with key leadership and generous support.
Ted Robinson
Executive Director Free Indeed