Some statistics say that porn use among evangelical men is as high as 74%. Some research places the number a little lower, others say it is even higher. No matter, the widespread use of porn in the Church is pointing to a much greater crisis: manhood.
Where are the Men?
There are so few real men in the Church today, we are in danger of losing sight of what true manhood is. The pattern of bringing believers to maturity in the Bible is through mentoring. We must have men of God modeling godly character and integrity. If manhood is in crisis then so also is Fatherhood. You see, when you make that choice to click on porn, all forward maturity stops. You and God go different directions at that point. You see every secret has a price.
What will porn cost?
More than most know they will pay. It will cost you your prayer life. It will cost you your integrity, your testimony and possibly your calling. It will cost you your dreams, your children and your family. It will cost you your ability to lead other men and be a man yourself.
Spiritual boys begging for bread
Proverbs says that an adulteress will reduce a man to a loaf of bread. That means his entire inheritance is lost and he walks away a beggar. That is true spiritually of countless men in the church today. At Free Indeed we are not only in the business of helping men overcome porn addiction; we are in the business of making men. Real men don’t click on porn. Why? Because it hurts people! It offends God! It is a sin that corrupts the soul and mind perhaps more quickly that any other sin. It is a sleek and ruthless killer of men’s souls. If you or someone you know suffers from sex addiction, Free Indeed is here to help. Why not fill out an application today.